Q&A: Renting out theatre / playhouse to stage first run of a musical / play? Advice?
Question by inzaratha: Renting out theatre / playhouse to stage first run of a musical / play? Advice?
Alright, my fiance wants to rent out a theatre/playhouse to perform the first run of a new musical comedy he has written. He wants to produce the whole thing basically as he has written the script, music etc. He found a place that he can rent for a decent rate. We will make all the sets ourselves and he hopes to produce cds he can sell, print broshures, etc.
This is a for a first run new musical never produced before.
Any playwrights / producers out there that can give pointers on things we should look out for? Things we may be not thinking about? Advice?
Best answer:
Answer by Marianne D
Just make sure you have everything in writing with your venue especially in regards to ticket and merchandising sales if they have any staff helping with that. Specify whether or not anyone will receive comps, discounts, etc. up front and what their percentage or flat fee will be and if there are any stipulations if sales are above or below a certain amount or if it’s different on certain nights, etc. Just be very detailed so that there’s no question later. The venue may want to retain rights over the concessions and unless you make a special arrangement with them I believe it’s their right to do so.
Also make sure it’s worded somewhere that you own your material (all intellectual property, etc.) and that no one may film the show or rehearsals even for archival purposes unless you stipulate in writing that they may do so.
best of luck!
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