Q&A: The Movie Making Industry – How to get into it?
Question by SilverPink: The Movie Making Industry – How to get into it?
I am currently on my gap year and thinking about what I want to do at university next year and Something I’m very interested in and what I would really love to do is get into the movie making business. Now I’m a realist and I know its most definitely not all glitz and glamour and I’m really not expecting that I’ve just always been so interested in it and have always thought it would be a fantastic thing to do.
I’m just not sure how to go about getting there exactly. I want to go to university, I don’t know what course to take. Also I don’t know which area of the movie making industry I want to go into and I don’t know how I’d work it out.
Any advice about this would be really great, thank you. =)
I’m in the UK by the way. x
Best answer:
Answer by Ms.Firefly
I dont know about in the UK but here in the US you would go for your degree in Digital and Film Arts. You would take classes like math and reading and then your film classes like History of Cinema and Screenwritting. You might want to get some info from the university you plan on going to,
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