Q&A: Twilight Movie???
Question by 123: Twilight Movie???
So what do you think about the cast? Do you think it’ll live up to people’s standards
nothing can compare to the books, stephanie meyer touched the readers in a way no director or actor could. and thats a fact!=P
I’d just like to say that i don’t think robert pattison was a good choicefor edward, in terms or looks, although i dont know if anyone could really stand up to the gorgeousness of Edward Cullen. Maybe they can use some crazy technology and make him beautiful:p haha, but i can’t say much on his acting ability for i’ve only seen him in harry potter. hopefully he loses the accent and becomes a bit more,iunno..desirable?
at first i didntlike kristen stewart as bella but then.,.it’s kind of how i pictured her, ina way
ha, theyshould have let stephanie meyer have some say in the movie, it’s her book after all, isnt she scared they’ll totally screw it up?
theyreally shouldnt change the plot that much, forthats one of the reasons why twilight’s adoredsomuch
Best answer:
Answer by emily[thestrange]
I really like Kristen for Bella.
But I’m not sure about Robert, I’ve never seen him act or anything so I don’t know.
I really like the person they selected for Victoria. I don’t know her name.
Anyway, I don’t think the movie is going to live up to everyone’s standards, I just hope it doesn’t ruin it.
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