Q&A: What are scripts on a web page?
Question by jay s: What are scripts on a web page?
Can someone tell me, in english and as simple as you can put it, what exactly are scripts running on a web page? I sometimes get this error message that says that the scripts running on the page have errors. It asks me if i want to continue running the scripts and i really dont know what this means. Any help?
Best answer:
Answer by 000
Scripts – dynamic content
HTML is static – meaning it won’t change at all, unless the original file is changed. to do things like pop up alert boxes, or ask the user for information, or submit a form, or use a button, or retrieve data and display, or etc. requires scripting.
your error means that either the script on the page was badly coded, or the browser doesn’t understand it.
HTML is like your body; scripting is like your brain.
scripting isn’t a language – it is just dynamic content – it can be coded in JavaScript, VBScript, etc.
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