Q&A: What are the odds of me getting a role in this movie? [The Hunger Games] Any advice on how to gain experience?
Question by JesSIca: What are the odds of me getting a role in this movie? [The Hunger Games] Any advice on how to gain experience?
First off, in case you haven’t already heard of “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins, it’s a best-selling book about a 16 year old girl who is chosen along with 23 other kids (12-18) to fight to the death in an arena (really hard to explain, but it’s been said to be an underrated book compared to Twilight). While I was reading it, I was thinking “this would make a great movie!” Then I found out the movie rights had been bought [2011]. A cross between Narnia, Twilight, Bridge to Terabithia and a couple of other movies was what I sort of envisioned the Hunger Games would be like.
Does anyone know what studio will be filming it? And what location will the auditions be held at? I heard it will be somewhere in the US, but I’m not sure if it will be in LA or not. I guess it all depends on if there are open casting calls/auditions or not. Because if they want someone like Dakota Fanning, Anna Popplewell, or Kristen Stewart for the part, then I have no chance in the world because I can’t get that much experience if I went to every audition until 2011.
No offense to any of those talented actresses but I feel like the role of Katniss Everdeen should be played by an unknown actress. I don’t want the movie to just become like Twilight. There are probably dozens of other talented EXPERIENCED girls I know who are more suited for the role of Katniss, but I’m definitely not a Glimmer 🙂
What is Katniss supposed to look like anyways? And what role could I play? It’s not like I have zero experience (really I don’t now though, besides plays and opportunities. I do have a few “connections”, including a couple of CEO producers in LA. I’ve just never really given acting a shot –or had very many opportunities.
I am 14 (I heard something about the movie being in 2011, and I’ve had dozens of people tell me I look older. It’s not even funny. The world has not been kind to me…haha. I’ve been told I look anywhere from 15-17…is that a good or bad thing?)
I have wavy (sometimes curly) dark brown hair that’s several inches past my shoulders, which I wear in a braid or in a ponytail.
My skin is olive right now, but it’s changed because I think I got a weird tan last summer and it’s faded.
My eyes are kind of strange, because sometimes they are hazel/brown, green, and gray. Depends on the lighting.
My weight is 130 lbs, but I can lose weight and get more toned if that’s what it takes. My height is 5’5.
Hobbies: archery, basketball, rock climbing, gymnastics, ballet, guitar, piano, singing, running…
My friend told me I looked like what she thought Bella Swan from Twilight looked like. (I know a lot of girls think they look like Bella). But I’m not really sure if that’s a compliment or not.) I’ve been told my eyes are my best feature. I’d probably be best at the kinds of angsty insecure teen girl roles Kristen Stewart plays.
I just don’t know if I can really act. Katniss is the protagonist, and that role might be hard. Should I try for another character? It just feels like Katniss is the only character who’s remotely like me. And I know the competition is fierce. But is it like performing –the more times you do it/practice, the better you get?
Wow this is too long. I think I’m going to repost this later. Another thing –I don’t have an agent. I’d need one I’m guessing, but I don’t know what kind of production this movie will be. I’ll do indie films if I’m lucky enough to get in one. How long does filming usually take?
I’ve taken a couple of acting classes, but it was ages ago, before I knew that I could wear contacts instead of glasses. (I cried when I found out I had to wear glasses in 4th grade…haha)
I wish I had starting acting/singing earlier, so I wouldn’t be so insecure. I guess I’m more confident now, but I still can’t get myself to always be excited. It’s just not me. I’m more of a ‘wait until I get into my room and then start screaming/squealing when I found out I won $ 100 or won free tickets to a Paramore concert on the radio person’.
I’ve also been told I look like a cross between Amanda Bynes and a young Penelope Cruz. I really hate comparing, but again, I’m not posting any pictures. I didn’t really get the whole Amanda Bynes thing, but I can sort of see it sometimes.
Best answer:
Answer by ieric23
Small considering how many people will try out and considering that we don’t even know there are going to be auditions, but if I were you I would research it, and cross your fingers for auditions.
If you want you can keep an eye on my fansite for any updates on auditions as they come in
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!