Q&A: What is a Good Video Camera for short videos and comes with good editing software?
Question by Starz07cheetahs: What is a Good Video Camera for short videos and comes with good editing software?
So I am looking for a Video Camera that is good for making short videos(like for youtube) and maybe even a short movie(~1hr.). It would be best if the camera came with good and pretty easy to use Editing software – Like for editing out bloopers and mess ups or to put a few video clips together and for adding cool audio,special effects and like titles or something.
It would be great if the camera and software cost less then $ 200.oo
So in your answer please include:
– what camera/software ?
– is the software good and does it come with the camera?
– where can i buy it (preferably not online) ?
– how much does it cost?
– why do you recommend this camera/software?
Thanks !
i forgot to tell you:
I have a PC and I know about Windows Movie Maker- But i want something better than that. and I have heard about the Flip camera… If any of U have it – do u recomend it ?
Best answer:
Answer by Nu’uanu
Canon ZR800, ZR900
Use the software that comes with your computer (Windows MovieMaker or Apple iMovieHD). Applications with the camcorder are unnecessary.
Don’t know where you live so it is tough to know what is near – BestBuy, Circuit City, Fry’s Electronics, Wal-Mart…
Since this is a miniDV tape based camcorder, your computer will need a firewire 400 port. If it does not have one, they are typically easy to install (and are cheap).
For importing and editing the video, Windows comes with MovieMaker; Macintosh comes with iMovie…
The Canon ZR800 and ZR900 are the least expensive camcorders with a mic-in jack. You may not need it now, but you may in the future. MiniDV tape provides the best available video quality (WAY better than DVD based camcorders and a bit better than flash or hard drive based camcorders.
You can buy editing software if you want – but since there is already some on the computer – or should be – then use it, and if you decide you want to get more serious about making videos, save you money and start buying better stuff…
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