Q&A: What is the best special effects program for an action movie?
Question by Bic Boi: What is the best special effects program for an action movie?
Me and a bunch of friends are making an action movie with quite a few firefights, so what program would be best for explosions, gunshots, blood, bullet holes, maybe some jets or helicopters?
I dont rly care abt how much it costs
Also is there anything that is cheap but works well just in case our budget doesnt allow?
Best answer:
Answer by Jeff Muscato
You really don’t care about how much the best costs?
Filmmakers pay ILM millions of dollars to create visual effects, and buying the hardware and the (often custom) software wouldn’t make you good at using it.
I think you’re gonna have to settle for less than the best. Adobe After Effects is relatively cheap.
Also, from Wikipedia:
Special effects are traditionally divided into the categories of optical effects and mechanical effects. With the emergence of digital film-making tools a greater distinction between special effects and visual effects has been recognized, with “visual effects” referring to digital post-production and “special effects” referring to on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
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