Q&A: What is this movie?!?
Question by J.: What is this movie?!?
So I need to remember this movie and all I can remember is that it is in black and white.
It’s about this guy and I can’t remember if he is retarded or just dumb and anyways this doctor/scientist wants to make him smart so i think she gives him medicine and eventually he falls in love with her. i know they make him take like maze quizes to see if he can beat the mouse and i know at the end of the movie the medicnine stops working or something happens where he isn’t smart anymore. and theres this scene where he write a sentence out and it make no sense until you put commas in and thats all i remember. any guesses?
Best answer:
Answer by angharad76
Charly (1968), based on the short story “Flowers for Algernon.”
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