Q&A: What is your version of Mr.Right?
Question by George: What is your version of Mr.Right?
myself im a guy and i just want to know what some females like in a guy
i love sex but i dont find it maditory with every girl i meet..
so just because i come to your house doesnt mean i want to f*uck
not to say that I wont if Im asked but only if she agrees to it. so if it happens it wont be because it was only my idea….so really if you dont ask i wont push, we’ll eat, watch a movie, sleep. and just chill
ill take a girl to a movie or to get food when i get the chance.
i do have a job but its a minimum wage job and my pockets only stretch so far but i make it happen at its best…
i say that shes pretty and beautiful and call 2 or 3 times a week to make sure she is cool and stuff…or talk..
so ladies whacha think
Best answer:
Answer by Haifa
awww well from what i read u seem like a nice guy 🙂 and dont worry about the money not all girls are after a guy’s money xD some just want a gd guy that makes them happy ^^
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