Q&A: What should I name my website?

Question by : What should I name my website?
I like making websites and I have couple of ideas but can’t come up with a name that people would like to hear. I plan on putting information about
•board games
•card games
•foreign language
•Helping people to improve their lives/lifestyles, or solve a problem:
•time management
•learn a language
•family celebrations
•software reviews
•meal ideas
•family menus
•recipe suggestions
•world food
•kids food
•vegetarian food
•learn to save
•fund raising
•family travel
•child abuse
and guides on how to do stuff like make websites, make facebook, and other accounts online etc.
I may not put stuff about everything about the list but what should I name my site and what type of information can i put on it.

Best answer:

Answer by Harry Ponka

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