Q&A: What the heck do i do with all the pain pills & benzo’s?
Question by ms.native pride: What the heck do i do with all the pain pills & benzo’s?
i got from my doctor? I slipped on some ice 3 weeks ago and holy man was i hurting so bad! I went to my Dr.and at first he gave a script for 60 vicodins(10mg) and 2 days later i went back and told him they just didn’t seem to be helping.On top of the pain,i also started getting headaches and i seemed real cranky & crabby(more then usual).So he gave me another script for 60 percocet &90 klonopin(1mg).But taking them just made me so sleepy all the time not to mention being loopy(more then usual lol).But my pain was still pretty bad.So one night one of my husbands friends came over & i told him what happened and he pulls out a joint(weed).I don’t smoke but i thought what the heck,maybe it will help.Sure enough it really helped.So this guy offered to get me a $ 25.00 of weed for exchange for some of my pills.I told him no but i would give him the money for the weed.He told me that if i wanted to sell my pills he knew someone who would buy them.He said for how much pills i had i could get an easy $ 400.00 for them.But i said no as tempting as the money sounded.I am all healed up now and no i am not a pothead.I stop smoking as well.But now what do i do with all these pills i have.Someone told me not to flush them down the toilet as they could end up in the water system.So what should i do with them?
Best answer:
Answer by Naomi B
People that would buy these pills from you are not able to obtain them legally. That generally means they don’t need them. You would be breaking the law and encouraging drug addiction. Your poo gets flushed, so why not these pills?
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