Q&A: What to do about this girl at subway?
Question by kobe bryant: What to do about this girl at subway?
There is this girl who works at a subway that I always go to. I sorta like her but im nervous to make a move. I go there alot because i work close to there and the subway is right on the way. Everything i go there she is there and waits on me everytime. Whenever she sees me she seems to get happy and smiles. I don’t know if she likes me or not. She also has a small sister who walks by my work and waves to me. I want to try and make a movie but i don’t know what i should do.
Best answer:
Answer by BabeHart
.Ask for her number or suggest getting together for a beverage after work, or something. Make a move before someone else does (it may already be too late). No risk, no reward.
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