Q&A: What to film? Short Movies…..?
Question by Justin: What to film? Short Movies…..?
Okay. I wanna make a short 5 – 10 minute movie film. From, some1 driving a car, to maybe idk. That’s my question. I want some ideas on WHAT I SHOULD FILM. I have NO CLUE. Please help. I love making movies/short films to post on youtube. But, I have ran out of ideas. I know how to write scripts, but I dont know what to write. I have NO people that will be in my next film. I have a dog, house, cars, boat, ect. Thats about it for now. Some1 please help. If you can include a short script like answer with ur fav song that sounds like it might fit ur script.
CopyRight 2008 – 2009 J.G.W. Production Films
Best answer:
Answer by ratkins06
Making a film is telling a story visually.
Is there something interesting you can show an audience?
Is there a story you want to tell?
Writing a story usually comes from either personal experience, life events, themes, or just a sequence of events you want to share, but in a creative way.
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