Q&A: What type of cool movie editing software can i download for free?
Question by Greenlighttt: What type of cool movie editing software can i download for free?
i’m making a film spoof of cloverfield except with my own town being attacked. Is there any software where things can be set on fire (as an editing effect)? or blow up? seeing as how i want it to be like “cloverfield”, you can kinda guess the effects i’m going for. i’m not looking for EVERYTHING to be edited in (although that would be very helpful and save time and money lol) but just an editing program (free if possible, just a little something something) that would really help me out and add some cool things to the project.
i’m shooting soon, and i need to know how far i’ll be able to take the effects, because then that changes how far we can take the script and the movie as a whole. thanks to anyone who can help.
Best answer:
Answer by comps
Try SoftwaresPack.
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