Q&A: What would be some good career choices for me?
Question by Kelly: What would be some good career choices for me?
I’m a rising freshman in highschool. I know you may be thinking that it’s crazy for me to be thinking about my career this early in life, but I’d really like to know what I’d be good at. I get As and Bs, mostly As.
When I was a child, I wanted to be a vet, like most little girls.
When I was entering middle school, a lawyer. People say I’m great at arguing and debating.
In 6th and 7th grade, I was thinking of being a violinist, being at the top of my class without ever practicing and having a love for it. I was also thinking of doing a career in theatre, loving acting and doing plays and musicals and such and having a voice that makes people come up to me and say how amazing I am…
And now I just realized the most likely career for me to have, and the most enjoyable would be in animatics and video editing. I’m an advanced artist for my age and have been editing and making movies since 11. And it’s not cheap movies of people goofing off on youtube, it’s actual videos that I work hard on. I. Love. Voice and Lip synching. I don’t know what I would have to do to get a career like that, though…Any ideas? What kind of career would be good for me?
Next year I’m taking Advanced English 9, Advanced Earth Science, World Geography (The only other class was AP and I had a B in World History, so I decided not to take it this year), Algebra 1, French 2, Art 1, and Info Tech Fundementals.
Oh, but these ARE goofing off vids I made:
Best answer:
Answer by Emanuel
My wife for the last month found herself jobless so she used the chance to look for a change of career. She was really stuck until she uncovered the site in the box below which gives tips and tricks on how to evaluate a career. Now she knows where she’s headed, and more importantly how to get there.
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