Q&A: whats that movie called…..?
Question by gina: whats that movie called…..?
ok so i saw this movie a buncha years ago when i was like 8 but so heres how it goes…..
theres like a kid, and he live in this house, and at night like a vampire come through like the chimney or something, and the vampire and the kid are friends, and they travel through a cave to find a coffin, with 2 ppl in it and like a medallion is missing, and a guy wants the medallion, and its hidden under the floor boards in the kids room, and they put a dresser in front of the door so that guy cant get in, and he has an axe, and one part is where the kid vampire stands on a big rock, and waves his necklace around so it makes kinda like a whistling noise and a bunch of vampires come (like his family), and they help them find the meddallion or something like that.
please help me, this has been bugging me for a while.
its like vampire id or something, just please help me out, im grateful for any answers
Best answer:
Answer by ♥Kahlala♥
omg! “The Little Vampire” i love that movie
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