Q&A: What’s this movie called?
Question by The storm: What’s this movie called?
I don’t really have enough information to explain this movie. While in a classroom there is a teacher who is going to teach the class how to add big numbers. She tells the classroom I am going to teach you how to add numbers like this 4234235+552344576 there is a girl who raise her hand and tell her the answer. The teacher gets a calculator and adds them together; the girl said the right answer. This girl can make things fly and other things like that. What I remember from this movie ,there is a competition the bad teacher did for that fat boy to eat a very big cake, because she thinks that he is the one who ate her cake, and lift half of it. Hope that gives you enough information to help me with name of the movie. Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by cheddarboy92
Matilda! good movie havent seen it in forever
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