Q&A: Where can I find a decent movie making software for Windows 2000?
Question by Vempoisa: Where can I find a decent movie making software for Windows 2000?
I want to get a program, somewhat like Windows Movie Maker that I can add effects and add a bunch of media files together. Where can I get something like this, for WINDOWS 2000?!
Also, It does not have to be some sort of a copy of Windows 2000, I just want something that has alot of the features that Windows 2000 does. I just need to add some of my files together and I want something that’s easy to work with.
Best answer:
Answer by iphoneguy
Since Windows 2000 stopped being supported years ago I would say that you would be better off upgrading your computer to Windows XP – which is still pretty old.
I don’t think there is a version of Movie Maker that actually works on Win2000
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