Q&A: Where can i find a good programmer/company that make custom scripts?
Question by deady: Where can i find a good programmer/company that make custom scripts?
Ive tried sites like guru and freelancer but i either get no one up to the job or some guy from india that says “we have your script ready to go!” even though its completely original and not known…
Any idea of some reputable programmers that maybe have their own official site/business creating custom scripts for cash?
If you do, please only US based companys.. i dont trust anyone internation.. i got scammed 1 too many times from india and oversea’s.
To clearify, im not asking on yahoo answers for someone to program for me..
Im asking if anyone knows a good company/programmer thats US based that has a legit business/website.
Mainly dealing with PHP, MySQL, Flash
Best answer:
Answer by Q cumber
All the jobs have went to India. Sorry.
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