Q&A: Where can I find free printable play or skit scripts online?
Question by Kitty7☮: Where can I find free printable play or skit scripts online?
I love acting and I love reading and writing scripts,so I just want one I guess. There is no actual reason except I want to read one. Thank for the help!!!
I love acting! I love reading and writing plays!I really want one to print out and read!If you have made one or know a website that will let me prnt it out for FREE!!!let m know.Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Maryn Bittner
I don’t know about skits, but play scripts are almost never available online until their copyright has expired. The playwright and his or her publisher continue to make money by selling copies for practice, audition use, or performance, so they’re pretty vigilant about anybody putting them online for free.
Movie scripts are available in abundance, though, and plays are often in library collections.
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