Q&A: Where can i go to make a free website with the content i want to be on it?
Question by baseball: Where can i go to make a free website with the content i want to be on it?
I want to make a website that has psp movie downloads on it and want to make a profit off it. Is there anywhere where i can make a website and upload movies onto it?
Best answer:
Answer by CaLeR
try blogger.com
but i prefer piczo.com because you can place almost anything to your site. you can move any content to any place in your site. i like piczo since you can get the chance to personalize your site so much.
there’s also a site which offers free web hosting. it’s called freehostingnow.com
it offers a huge amount of disk space for your site and it can upload huge files fast. convenient and easy to use. i think it uses ftp and php. you can create a domain (e.g. yourdomain.freehostingnow.com)
hope this helps…
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