Q&A: Who can’t get enough of Twilight?
Question by cinci_beauty: Who can’t get enough of Twilight?
I am so confused.. Twilight is like the biggest book phenomenon in years, right? But I’ve read hundreds of books (I LOVE reading) and it was not even in my top 15! Of course I read all 3 books hoping for it to get better, only to be let down. It was OK, don’t get me wrong but I’ve even read much better vampire books in young adult. Try “The Last Vampire” series by Christopher Pike if you want to read some OMG good books. I know I am 23 years old and it is young adult fiction, but millions of grown adults are reading this book. I was very excited to watch the movie and it was a B flick if I’ve ever seen one.. When it’s 2009 and they’re making movies like 300 and Wanted, you’d think they could step up the movie of the top selling book right now. I need to know, am I the only one?? I mean people are flippin obsessed with the books and movie and why? Someone please explain!
I didn’t think of Harry Potter…
Best answer:
Answer by iwishiwasajedi
Movies always let you down, I really enjoyed the Harry Potter books but was very let down with the movies so far!!
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