Q&A: Why are women called whores, but not men?
Question by : Why are women called whores, but not men?
This post has several questions, but most of them involve a woman being called a slut/whore.
I always notice that while watching movies in theaters; a woman, in the movie, is called a whore/slut when making out with someone.; even if it’s with her husband or boyfriend. The people calling her that are the people watching. Even some of my friends have said that when watching TV with me. And yet, no one says anything bad about the guy she was kissing. Can a woman have sex with the one she loves without being called that?
I helped a friend of mine after he got into a fight with three idiots. They saw him and his girlfriend kissing; and then started calling her a whore,slut, b***h, and other names. That pissed him off so he went up to them, even though his girlfriend tried to convince him to ignore them. When the fight started; they ganged up on him. His girlfriend tried to help, and even bit one one of them; but she got knocked out. I saw the fight around 3 minutes after it started and intervened. I had a black eye and bloody nose. My friend had a bloody mouth, bloody nose, and dislocated shoulder. His girlfriend had a broken arm, some bruised, and a black eye like me. The witness backed up our story and the three attackers are in jail right now. This was two months ago and we’re better now. His girlfriend is still using a cast, but she’s gotten used to it. This started because they called her a whore. How is she a whore for making out with her boyfriend?
Men are praised for sleeping with many women. And yet if a woman sleeps with even one guy, who she might be in love with; let alone many; she’s called a slut/whore. Why? I know virgins who have been called whores/sluts. How does that make sense?
I know that there is sexism on both sides; I acknowledged that there are sexist men and women, but this question is about women being called sluts/whores. Why can’t both sides be respected equally. I’m not a feminist. I am against modern feminism because they want women superiority, instead of equality. Also, I’m a guy.
Even though I’m a guy; I admit that OVERALL(not entirely, but on average), men are more into sex than women. I know there are guys out there that aren’t perverted; I’m one of those guys. My female friends like that trait about me. I know that there are women who badly want sex, but I said overall. If that’s the case; why are women called whores, but not men. There are perverts on both sides, but guys are overall more perverted. OVERALL, to women, sex seems to be emotional/romantic, while to guys, it’s about lust. Aren’t whores suppose to be lustful?
The reason that men have to work for it and the women are giving it away is just stupid. Prostitutes will do it with any man willing to pay. I wouldn’t do it with a random woman, just because she’s hot. I’m a virgin as well, and I plan to stay one until after i get married. It’s what my parents, culture, and religion taught me. Also, it’s my moral belief. Anyway, women aren’t always able to convince a men to do it with them. It’s the act that should matter, not the gender.
And speaking of prostitutes; why do people only bash them? I agree that they are whores, but what about the guys paying for their services? The prostitute wants the money more than sex; the client is the one who badly want’s sex. Also; you have to be messed up if you have to pay someone for sex. It’s even dumber if a married man goes to a prostitute. Why aren’t both of them bashed, or looked down upon, why just the prostitute? And some prostitutes don’t want to stay like that, but have no job opportunities, or are forced into it. If given the chance, many of them would stop.
Can anyone correctly answer these questions with a good explanation?
@Equal rights for blacks brotha A
I said I know that there is sexism on both sides. This question is about women being called sluts/whores. I could ask about what you just said, but this isn’t the right post for it. Your post is irrelevant.
Best answer:
Answer by Rolando
Cause those women have no respect for themselves. Although I love to watch porn.
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