Q&A: Why do so many movie and mp3 websites make you fill out a survey? Please answer?
Question by Hello, my name is JOE.: Why do so many movie and mp3 websites make you fill out a survey? Please answer?
Everytime I try watching a movie or downloading a song on the internet it asks me to fill out a survey… is it a virus? Is there any way around it?
Best answer:
Answer by shaahs
No there is no virus it is just the Websites that you are going to.
You should go to http://ampmode.com/ for free mp3 downloads with no surveys at all ampmode.com is a free and legal mp3 website that lets you download free music, music video’s, lyrics, all for free.
To watch and get free movies online I would go to http://www.watch-movies-links.net/.
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