Q&A: Will there be a new parasite eve movie based on the game?
Question by blah: Will there be a new parasite eve movie based on the game?
I know that a parasite eve movie was made in japan in like 1997 but I want to know if they will make a movie out of the game parasite eve.
I know that the game came out after the book but the game is different than the book and the movie. I know that it’s because the game was based on the novel so don’t give me answers explaining all of this.
Best answer:
Answer by conformer78
I’m sure any mainstream effort to bring the original Parasite Eve story to the big screen has fizzled out by now…not including the Japanese-only independent film-esque movie you pointed out (which I don’t believe even touched on the game’s story!)
It is disappointing because Parasite Eve definitely would have made an awesome movie…although I can’t imagine a mainstream audience (outside Japan) would jump onboard, which is why Hollywood probably dumped any ambition they had for the project. I was even surprised to see “The Third Birthday” (“Parasite Eve 3” in some circles) is coming to the PSP. Even this project, I feel, wouldn’t be a hot enough spark to bring the idea of a movie back to the minds of big-time producers…
Also, the last thing I heard about a Parasite Eve movie involved Madonna in the role of Aya Brea lol! That was probably 4-5 years ago…
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