question about acting and such.?

Question by Smith, John Smith: question about acting and such.?
In the movie making business what is the easiest thing to get into.
Screen writer

I’m 14 and i don’t know i guess i have this natural talent for writing. Screen writing comes so easy to me and someday i want to be a screen writer. That’s not the only thing i want to do when it comes to movie making. How much harder or easier are the others? I mean like Hollywood stuff.


Oh and how much do you think a Hollywood screen writer gets paid.

(Whoever answers all of the stuff and maybe puts a website for the salary will get best answer)

Best answer:

Answer by Anonymous
the salaries are debatable depending on ur job and cant find them like on a website… it’s discussed with your agent/”people”.

I would really try and get headway on writing because if you want to really work towards it, then you really gotta try and get into it because it IS a tough business to try and survive in.
You can do it and really take your talent a step forward by entering your scripts in local papers, magazines, etc.
remember, there are poeple who have been trying to do this since they were like 6 so you really have to try!
If you really work towards it, you could go places.. but 14? get a move on darlin!

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