Really need help. What should he be doing?
Question by indigoblu: Really need help. What should he be doing?
I am super sick. I have been with my BF for 1 1/2 years…and I have never gotten sick before. But right now, I have like 101 fever, cough, achy, suuuuuper sick feeling.
My boyfriend doesn’t seem too interested in helping me get to the doctors, get my meds, or spending any time with me tonight, or the next night, or the next…etc…
Should he be trying to make me feel better? You know, like soup, watching a movie with me, hugs, etc…
Or am I too oldfashioned? Are boyfriends supposed to be extra caring when their girlfriend is sick?
Best answer:
Answer by Acckmed
I would… i dont follow.. I lead
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