relating to Oscars…and movie making?
Question by chilanga_manda: relating to Oscars…and movie making?
I am not hat much into all the names. BUT I heard the screenwrite that won the Oscar for JUNO. ….just wondering if it is true. AND that there is a similar film in Japan or so. With the name Juno and a similar storyline. I am wondering if this is true.. what do you all think of someone getting a similar idea from a movie already made. Nothing wrong with making a new version, but should they get an award instead of an origina film??
Best answer:
Answer by may
If that’s true, I really don’t think she should get the award.
However, I don’t think she deserved it anyways. Juno was full of BS dialogue… NO ONE talks like that. “Your eggo is preggo… desperately seeking spawn.” I get that she’s attempting to be funny and cute, but to me it just came off as obnoxious.
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