Rent Movies Online: Why Online Movie Rental is Better than Purchasing


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Rent Movies Online: Why Online Movie Rental is Better than Purchasing

If you rent movie online you don’t own them, so why are online movie rental deals so attractive to so many people who choose to rent rather than to purchase them?

1. Once you have purchased a movie and then watched it, what do you do with it? Retain it in your ‘video library’ for future viewing? But will you? When you have reached the stage that you want to watch it again it would already have been shown on TV, and you could have recorded it free: so where is the benefit other than for your first viewing? Online movie rental allows you to watch a Blu-ray or DVD movie at home immediately it has been released on video and then replace with another movie – something you cannot do if you purchase the movie.

2. When renting for the price of just one movie each month you can choose three in your own home at any time and change them as frequently as you

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