Rent Movies Online: Why Online Movie Rental is Better than Purchasing


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Rent Movies Online: Why Online Movie Rental is Better than Purchasing

If you rent movie online you don’t own them, so why are online movie rental deals so attractive to so many people who choose to rent rather than to purchase them?

1. Once you have purchased a movie and then watched it, what do you do with it? Retain it in your ‘video library’ for future viewing? But will you? When you have reached the stage that you want to watch it again it would already have been shown on TV, and you could have recorded it free: so where is the benefit other than for your first viewing? Online movie rental allows you to watch a Blu-ray or DVD movie at home immediately it has been released on video and then replace with another movie – something you cannot do if you purchase the movie.

2. When renting for the price of just one movie each month you can choose three in your own home at any time and change them as frequently as you


want. In theory, it is possible to view about thirty rented movies for the same price as you would pay to buy just one. Not that you would want to watch one movie a day – or would you? This option might be a good deal for you if you can’t get out of the house, and this is your main means of entertainment. It is something to think about.

So these are the two major reasons to rent movies online rather than buy them, although there are many other reasons for doing so. Among these is the large choice of movies you have with an online video rental site, and generally a lot more than you would expect to find in any offline video rental store. An additional, and very important benefit, is that you would be enabled to make advanced bookings of videos of any newly released movies. According to where you are in the queue, you would be provided with these videos in your next



Yet another benefit is that if you enjoy watching classics, you can rent movies such as ‘Brief Encounter’ or ‘The Ten Commandments’ from an online movie rental site, and that is one of the major attractions for some movie buffs to rent movies online. Many of these older movies are difficult to purchase online in good condition, and this can be a major benefit.

Other benefits such as being able to search for any movie you want by means of title, actor or genre, and having free self-addressed envelopes back for your video returns are added bonuses, but all in all, there appears to be few arguments against renting or in favor of purchasing DVDs. You can rent Blu-ray videos as well as the standard (for now) DVDs, so if you want to rent your videos on the internet then you are certainly making the correct choice.

Further information on how to rent DVD movies online can be found on Pete’s web page Rent DVD Movies Online along with a lot more on movies, music and social networking.

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