Sales Questions That Close The Right Deals, Not Every Deal


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rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’]);” href=””>sales script and just start asking questions. 

The dialogue is honest, it’s conversational. You ask questions about how much pain they have in their business currently. You ask them about what they would to happen differently. You even dig so deep as to find out what they would pay to ease their pain. After just a few minutes of questions, the prospect now asks you “how can you help me?” 

No selling, no pitch, no hard close, just questions. You made the sale because you were no longer concerned about your product or service. You weren’t using that sales script that your manager swears works (even though he hasn’t been on the phone for 10+ years). The conversation flowed because you asked

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