Sales Questions That Close The Right Deals, Not Every Deal


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Sales Questions That Close The Right Deals, Not Every Deal

Envision yourself waking up in the morning and heading into your office. You grab your cup of coffee, with a bit of apprehension as you know you just absolutely have to make a sale today or you won’t be making your bills. As you get closer to your desk you get that “pit in your stomach” feeling.  

As you dial your first call of the morning your heart beats faster. The phone starts to ring and secretly you hope for their voicemail, even though you really need to make the sale. The prospect picks up the phone and it becomes show time. 

You start to read the script that your sales manager told you to use. You still aren’t sure why you are using this sales script because you haven’t made a sale in weeks. As the first part of your script is read, you can feel the prospect escaping. With nothing to lose you throw away that sorry, tired –~~~~~~~~~~~~–

rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, ‘/outgoing/article_exit_link’]);” href=””>sales script and just start asking questions. 

The dialogue is honest, it’s conversational. You ask questions about how much pain they have in their business currently. You ask them about what they would to happen differently. You even dig so deep as to find out what they would pay to ease their pain. After just a few minutes of questions, the prospect now asks you “how can you help me?” 

No selling, no pitch, no hard close, just questions. You made the sale because you were no longer concerned about your product or service. You weren’t using that sales script that your manager swears works (even though he hasn’t been on the phone for 10+ years). The conversation flowed because you asked


interest piquing questions. You dug deep on the customer’s pain and piqued their interest enough to have them reach to you for help. 

There isn’t a magic script that will close every deal. Making sales isn’t about unlocking a game either. To make sales daily, whether it’s a product or service is about asking deep interest piquing questions that will get your prospects to see it would be crazy for them NOT to use what you are offering. When you ask the right questions sales will flow like a river, ask the wrong questions (or fall into sales script mode) and you will be hitting the unemployment line. 

Ditch your tired sales scripts for interest piquing questions that get the sale. You can start making more sales in minutes by diving into my free video powered course that reveals the power of 67 Interest Piquing Questions–~~~~~~~~~~~~–

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Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.

His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.


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