Sales Scripts That Get Customers To See “How” They Can Use Your Product or Service


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them see how it would crazy for them to pass up on what you are offering.

Many sales scripts try to “close the deal” or “sell” the customer on the benefits.  Revealing benefits is a great way to get closer to the sale but those benefits need to match up to the customer’s goals in order for them to do any good!  Get your prospects reaching for their wallets by asking them “how”.  Consider the following questions to ask of your prospects:

How would you feel about trying something new? – This can reveal their willingness to invest in what you have to offer.  Some people are fearful about trying something new and others blaze straight ahead.  Asking this style of question will help you to see whether you need to share more about your guarantees or just give them confidence to take action.
How do you approach growing your

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