Second Life
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Second Life will feature dozens of live music performances.
In 2008 the UK act Redzone announced they would release their new live album only via Second Life.
Redzone also began choreographing and synchronising their performances via MIDI in October 2008.
Many amateur performers start their music careers in Second Life by performing at virtual karaoke bars or Open Mic, then progress to performing for “pay”, or Linden dollars, in-world.
Live theater is presented in Second Life. The SL Shakespeare Company performed an act from Hamlet live in February 2008. In 2009 the company is producing scenes from Twelfth Night.
In 2007 Johannes von Matuschka and Daniel Michelis developed Wunderland, an interactive SL theatre play at Schaubhne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin, Germany.
In 2007, HBO hosted
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