SecondLife Extencions
IBM CVUT Student Research Projects: SecondLife Extencions by Václav Procházka and Pavel Mikoláš SecondLife is a 3D virtual world created and maintained by Linden Lab. Everything in this world is created and owned by its residents. As for some basic statistic, 6 500 000 accounts exists, 1 700 000 logged in last 60 days, around 40 000 on-line. Residents can buy, sell or trade items or land. Currency in the world, called Linden dollars is convertible to US dollars and back. It is also a place of new possibilities. Not only for entertainment or education but also for business. Companies are bringing, selling or only advertising their products in SecondLife. Firstly, we explored these possibilities from the practical perspective. What kind of tools are available, what can be done with them, where are their limits. We explored what can be created in the world and what has to be created in external applications. Important part was examining inbuilt scripting language, because scripts are the key which adds dynamic to objects and can interact with avatars, objects, other scripts or even with real world. We also had a look at avatars, how they can be customized, how they can communicate, whether they can use voice or only a text. Then we prepared a scenario where we can practically verify at least some possibilities. This scenario is an animal breeder with his pets. He walks along predefined path, but not the shortest path, randomly changes direction, stops or sits. His pets are …
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