Sell Your Back-of-the-Room Products
Sell Your Back-of-the-Room Products
Selling from the front of the room and getting people to run to the back of the room to buy your stuff takes practice. The best closers are the most sought-after speakers because of the amount of revenue they generate. Whether you have an inexpensive product to sell or a high-priced item, it takes a carefully orchestrated presentation and offer script to motivate people to buy. It is imperative that you practice your offer and perfect it over time.
The best closers do not wait until the end of their speech to mention their offer. Instead, they start their presentation with the end in mind. In other words, they come right out and tell their audience that there will be an offer at the end of their presentation. Or they may say it in a more subtle way. Regardless of how they say it during their presentation, making the offer during the speech
is called seeding. The master closers have proved that if you seed at least twice during your presentation, your sales will double!
Here are some ideas to help you perfect your closing:
1. Study other speakers’ closing techniques closely.
Pay close attention to how they begin their offer, how they talk about the offer forms, and how they invite their audience to participate.
2. Use a prepared script.
Don’t wing it! This can be a costly mistake. Take as much time or more than you did preparing your speech to prepare your offer and call to action.
3. Prepare the logistics.
Prepare your product table before your speak. Make sure
you have the right supplies such as credit card forms and pens. Hire someone or get a trusted volunteer to take the orders. Do not try to do this yourself. You need to be available in case someone has a question.
4. Prepare the stage.
If you have a product, make sure it can be seen from the stage during your presentation. While seeding, pick up the product and show it to the audience.
5. Prepare the visual offer.
Your audience must see the offer. This includes bonus items and discounts. Use a whiteboard, flipchart, or PowerPoint so your audience can see what they are going to get.
6. Offer forms.
Your form is a selling tool, so it counts! The color, the way it is laid out, the
price—everything matters. Start collecting forms from great speakers and great closers and mimic their forms.
Tip: If you are speaking for someone else, create 3-part NCR forms: one copy for the buyer, one for you, and one for the promoters.
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Arvee Robinson is a Persuasive Speaking Coach, Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and Author. She teaches business owners, service professionals, and entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy so they can attract more clients, generate unlimited leads and grow their businesses, effortlessly. She teaches a proven system for delivering persuasive presentations, and easy to use formulas for creating a killer elevator pitch and a magnetic self-introduction. Arvee has helped hundreds of individuals to win clients and close more sales every time they speak. She offers private coaching, workshops, and weekly teleclasses. Her programs make people money for the rest of their lives. For more information, visit
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