Selling a Script?
Question by psunit: Selling a Script?
I have a script that I feel is really good. Whats the best way to sell it…I feel like production companies get 100s of scripts a day and if i send mine it will end up in the garbage. Would a company actually read my script, or is getting an agent the best way to go?
Best answer:
Answer by stmichaeldet
Well, you’re right about the hundreds of scripts a day, which leads to the problem – no one’s gonna care about your submission unless there’s something about it that gives it credibility. Otherwise, you’re just another schlub in the slush pile.
So, what gives you credibility? An agent could be a good start – it indicates that you are treating your writing career seriously and were able to convince at least one other person (your agent) that you have something worth bothering with. Of course, agents also receive a deluge of scripts from wannabe writers, so getting one might be an uphill struggle.
Education is also good for gaining credibility – have you been to film school? Or can you claim some type of expert status in some field related to your script? If not, once again you’re fading back down into the crowd.
One other technique that has occasionally worked for people is to go directly to the actors or directors themselves and try to get them interested in the script – they then approach the studios as an advocate, greatly improving your chances that someone will pay attention. But this can be hit-or-miss – you have to get the script into the hands of someone who will end up absolutely loving it.
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