Should we be that concerned about artificial intelligence?
Question by Dangerous: Should we be that concerned about artificial intelligence?
Didn’t humanity create A.I.? So how could it ever take over humanity? It’s just a matrix, it’s not real… why do filmmakers like James Cameron make epics about the misuse of artificial intelligence and their wrath? Are people really that worried about technology taking over humans or is that just sensationalized movie making? Is there any real technologist that actually believes machines will take over humanity, or is it just an issue pushed to generate ticket and magazine sales?
Best answer:
Answer by StaticPollution
well, i think its a little of both, i mean.. it was probably a real idea before it was a movie idea.. but there are still those who believe in it… i know people who acually believe that A.I. will take over the world, but most people dont believe this, only the people who dont really understand.. A.I. is just a series of terminals that switch on and off depending on the data input.. this creates the illusion of intelligence. people who build these machines decide what type of data the machine will recognize, so unless someone puts a “kill all humans” program into the computer, it will never hurt anyone. A.I. computers can make decisions, but we are the ones who tell the computer what it can deicde. therefore it will never make a decision that we didnt approve of while bulding it… but it sure does make for an interesting movie plot
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