Six Questions That Produce Successful Web Advertising


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the world is useless if those visitors don’t get your message. It all starts with the message, so what’s your message?

What’s Your Story?

Crafting your marketing story is not as easy as it sounds, and you may have to let go of some outdated thinking in order to bring your story to life.

Web-videos are not feature films or even viral videos intended to show how clever you are. You are making a commercial: special effects may be cool but they are not a substitute for a finely crafted script delivered by a professional performer.

Websites Don’t Close Sales, People Close Sales

Web-videos are designed to make a statement: “this is who we are, and this is what we do, so contact us to find out how we can change your life.” Websites create leads, not sales; so don’t expect your Web-video to make the sale,

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