So yeah would you say im ****ed up or would I make a horror movie genius?
Question by Canyoudigit: So yeah would you say im ****ed up or would I make a horror movie genius?
Well one thing I occasionally do when im bored or with a friend is think or discuss a way a murderer or horror movie writer could kill or torture someone. Like I know you have no way of knowing but im going to brainstorm an idea for a minute and then continue typing the idea. Im just saying NOW it most likely wont be for the feint of heart.
Ok so picture a thick glass window with 5 or so friends on one side and on the other a maniac with another friend on the other side.
Your rooom is big and his is small so if you look in the direction you see your friend on the chair.
Ok so the maniac starts with smaller stuff,using pliers and ripping out nails. Then he cuts off two fingers on the left hand but only to the first knuckle. Now lets say he is a doctor so he can keep you alive and relatively shock free. He then takes a gardening tool I forget what it is but its small and has three claws. And digs it into the flesh and pulls up the arm up to the elbow. And peels back the flesh in a circle so you can see all the gross stuff. By then you are probobly passed out so he takes an animal…maybe a crab or rat or maggots or something and makes an incision in your chest and puts the animal in. You wake up a couple hours later…or maybe you dont depending on where he put them. I actually went pretty light as I dont want this deleted.
well I could make a plot but for this post I kind of wanted to show what my mind was thinking. I also thought that the maniquin could have wild animals he starves and feeds the bodies to,The main characters or police could stumble into a room and see hungry dogs ripping apart chunks of human body.
Ooh ooh ooh a new idea. Theres a small moniter into the room and the maniac can talk to the ones watching the horror. (Now remember the friend will have an animal inside him if he lives)
The people have to sit and watch as their friend dies and IF they look away he kills ALL of them. (Poisen gass,maybe theres a type of combustable gas inthere and he causes a spark.) But before the maniac leaves he takes the friends blood from the arm wound and smears it all over the glass wall. Maybe he keeps them there for days and forces them to be cannibalistic if they are to survive.
Best answer:
Answer by Clobo
You just made me throw up in my mouth!
I don’t think they’d show something that graphic in the movies, but if you want to go in to the biz, you need more of a plot then just all the gorey stuff. Then again, I see writing in your future, the next Stephen King?(:
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