Socialist Party video: Bombardier march in Derby against job losses

Ten thousands people marched through Derby city centre on Saturday 23 July in protest at the threatened 1400 job losses at the train building firm Bombardier. There is overwhelming anger at the Con-Dem government that is primarily being blamed and that, only months ago, visited the city claiming to ‘defend’ manufacturing industry. Workers who have given years of service and who have valuable skills and experience will be discarded! For every job at Bombardier that goes, four more in the supply chain will disappear. The Canadian firm is reviewing its UK operations, which if shut down would result in a total of 3000 jobs going at Bombardier with another 12000 other jobs being wiped out in the region. These figures of course do not include the ‘multiplier effect’ of lost business to other companies as so many people will have no money to spend. This is only the latest in a series of job losses in the city. Bombardier is the last major train manufacturing company in the country, prior to privatisation it was called British Rail Engineering Ltd. At a time when David Cameron’s government is making huge cuts in public services, resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs, he claims that private industry will ‘expand to take up the slack’. But by allowing these jobs to go, Cameron is doing the opposite: he says one thing and does another. Workers in the private sector and the public sector need to unite to fight all these job
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