Some Basic Tips on E-book Layout and Structure
Some Basic Tips on E-book Layout and Structure
When you’ve been doing something for a while, you tend to take certain things for granted. So when people ask me how to create an ebook, I have to admit that I’m a bit puzzled. Haven’t they read any ebooks on their own? Haven’t they made note of how they’re generally put together? Well, for those who really need some help with ebook creation, this article is going to give you some basic tips on ebook layout and structure.
Starting from the top, the first thing that you need is a good strong title and sub title. These will go on your first page in big bold print. You’ll also want the author’s name underneath. However, between the title and the author’s name, it’s probably a good idea to have an ecover. for more’s a photo of the actual book itself. These are usually done in Photoshop using action scripts.