Some Great Ideas For Your Own Classifieds Site
collectable website. It requires no modifications of iLister classifieds software. You should simply remove all existing categories and add new categories and subcategories corresponding to all varieties of the collectables you are covering.
You can have an all-in-one collectable website for your local area, or run a nation-wide collectable website on a more specific category (dolls collectable, knives, baseball cards, coins or stamps), or even a very focused website (Pre-WWII Silver Dollar Collectable, or Bowie Knives of the World).
7. On-line Career Network
iLister classifieds script is an efficient tool to create a popular on-line career network serving Career Builders and Recruiters in your region, nation-wide, or worldwide. With iLister Career, you can easily develop your unique job website that will serve the needs