Sony Movie Studio Slide Show?
Question by : Sony Movie Studio Slide Show?
Is it possible to make a picture slideshow on Sony Movie Studio. Im looking to make 1 for a school project. I know how to import pictures and stuff like that i just need to know how you can make it so when you click it goes to the next picture?
Best answer:
Answer by Core T
I highly recommend iPixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator, it can help you to make flash slideshow flash banner, slideshow album, photo gallery .
In addition, its official website provides step by step tutorial such as
Make a Graduation Slideshow Album with Music
Make a Christmas Ornaments Photo Presentation with Hyperlink
Make a Christmas Photo Album with Music
Make a Flash Slideshow with Music
Make a flash banner for webpage with hyperlink
Make a Valentine’s Day Slideshow with Music
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!