sorry, my ? is does anyone want to try to and really live their dream of making movies….i know i am?

Question by Phyyyyer: sorry, my ? is does anyone want to try to and really live their dream of making movies….i know i am?
they don’t give me to many characters to work with so i will try and keep this short and sweet…I’m looking back at life, looking now at life…and looking on where life is going…I know I have a very special talent when it comes to being creative…as far as writing, or anything innovative…I think it would be a waste for my life to come to a stop, and I never dug deep within myself, pulled out and showed the world what I’m truely capable of…I meet ppl all of the time who are really talented…but just stuck at their current jobs…and use the same excuse i’v been using all my life…”I really never have time” well this morning i woke up and decided that whenever my last breath is to be expelled, i wont be able to look into my makers eyes with a straight face and say “I didn’t have time to use the talents you given me” So now I want light up and explode a new wave of movies, shows even, on the world..believe me on this..its not about making money..just want to open up our voices

Best answer:

Answer by monzorella

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