Spy Clock Security Hidden DVR Camera Motion Detector DV

frankstechhelp.blogspot.com Visit my BlogSpot for more info on this video. Be fore-warned that both units I got from eBay had defects and had to be sent back, the replacements work great tho! Things to check when you get your unit: 1. Charge fully and make sure the battery holds a charge. Red light will turn off when charged, make sure camera is switched to “OFF” when charging. 2. Make sure your remote is working properly, if it breaks the unit can never be used again, unless you order an extra remote, most sellers do not offer them willingly. 3. Make sure your “Motion Detection” works at a decent range. Your unit should detect motion up to approximately 10 feet, or when a light is turned on in a dark room. The motion activated mode is VERY dependent on how much light is in the room, not enough light and it won’t activate at all! Get drivers here: www.elecday.com
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