Starting a Business Online? What You Need to Know


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Starting a Business Online? What You Need to Know

Many people online today would love to start a business. After all, there’s plenty of advantages to starting a business like setting your own hours, the potential for financial freedom, as well as an opportunity to create your “dream job.”

The problem is that most people also don’t know how to get started. The internet is jam packed with tons of information on starting a business, and it can quickly become confusing.

However, by asking yourself the right questions before you get started, you can quickly lay a solid foundation for building a successful business.

1. What do I like to do?

If you start a business because the business you’ve chosen is popular, or you think you can make a lot of money from that business fast, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

If you’re


really serious about starting a business, choose something you are interested in. Look at your hobbies, what you currently do in business, things you like to talk about and then find out if there’s a market for it.

If you succeed, you’ll be with your business for a long time. Do something because you love it; not because it will make you a lot of money. If you do something you love, and you’re passionate about it, the money will take care of itself.

2. What do I need to get started?

Do you need a business bank account, Pay Pal, business books, a computer? Decide what you need to get your business started and lay a solid foundation. Set these things up right the first time, and you won’t have the hassles later.

3. Do I need a website?

When creating your business, you really need to focus


here, especially when you start thinking about building your website.

Not only will you need hosting and a domain, if you plan to use any type of scripts, you need to make sure your web host supports scripts.

Also, there are options to building websites, and they’re endless. You can build one page websites to sell your products, Squidoo lenses, Google Pages, Windows Office Live, and more. There’s also blogging, and there are plenty of hosted solutions like Blogger and WordPress.

If you do decide to use one of these options, then I would recommend at least buying a domain name. That way your site looks more professional even if you aren’t paying for hosting.

4. How much time can I spend on my business?

If you’re starting off parttime, then it’s a good idea to keep your business as simple as


possible. Start off with one site, make it profitable and then build another.

When determining how much time you have to work on your business, consider what you’ll be doing when you’re building your business.

You’ll need to set asside a certain amount of time to marketing, as well as writing sales materials, website building, and record keeping.

Take these factors into consideration.

5. How will I market my new business?

How you market depends on you. There are plenty of free ways, as well as paid ways. Most of the free ways you can market, especially online, require quite a bit of writing, so if you hate to write, take this into consideration too.

There are plenty of business models for starting a business online. Choose the one that’s right for you and stick with it, and


you will succeed.

Like these tips? Then take my free 30 day online business course: How to REALLY Start Your Business in 30 Days. Get your free, 10,000 product website and start an affiliate business.

Jinger Jarrett is a fulltime freelance writer and internet marketer. She is also the author of the book: “Internet Marketing for Free: The GUIDE,” available on Amazon.

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