– Startups – LAUNCH Trio: Captricity, That’s Suspicious Behavior and The Tap Lab – TWiST #261

0:00-1:00 Introduce to today’s great companies, Captricity and That’s Suspicious Behavior. 2:30-300 Today’s program I’ll be talking to two companies from LAUNCH Festival. 3:15-3:45 With Kuang Chen who pitched Captricity and Brigette Kidd of That’s Suspicious Behavior. 3:45-7:00 Thank @Trada for making the show free for all! 7:00-7:30 Brigette when did you find out about Launch conference? 7:30-7:45 What program and USC were you and your crew in? 8:00-8:15 Are there jobs out there? 8:30-8:45 What is That’s Suspicious Behavior? 9:00-9:15 Suspicious Behavior app walk-through. 9:50-10:00 What was decision of putting in pre-chosen behaviors? 10:45-11:00 What was it like on stage at Launch and reaction you got? 12:15-13:00 What happened at moment when you shut down the judge on the stage? 13:00-14:00 Pitch happened right before Treyvon Martin shooting. 14:00-15:00 Treyvon Martin hit closer to home for race issue and having a kid. 15:00-16:00 Have to be careful to not put Treyvon in marketing, but Suspicious Behavior may have avoided it. 16:00-17:00 Won ,00 investment at event, tell us about it? 17:00-18:30 When giving awards didn’t think would win at early stage in app, what happened? 18:45-19:30 Take us through the moment when announcement was being made by Ben. 19:30-20:30 How are you using the 000 investment? 20:30-22:00 Kuang, how’d you come to conference through the side door? 22:00-25:30 Jason explains how he sends e-mail out to private group to find other companies …