Steps to a Slippery Slope Online Sales Letter
Steps to a Slippery Slope Online Sales Letter
But here’s the problem: I see many of them trying to sell their e-book, tutorial, action a regular Web page. They list a paragraph about the info-product and give the price, and they expect a slew of sales.
Remember that game Chutes & Ladders? If you landed on a space that had a chute on it, you just went down, Baby. No turning back. That’s how your sales letter should be – a “slippery slope” that pulls in the reader because it’s so compelling and interesting.
Here’s a basic outline of the 13 elements you want to include. To see an example of them all in action, visit MY own sales page at BoostBizEzine.
The visitor should not be distracted by links that take her to your bio, other products, etc. The idea is to keep her on this page, for more detail go to: reading your copy and
leading her to order. So on this page, only have navigation that relates to the product (e.g. Fads, 0rder n0w).
Marketers call this “pushing the ‘ouch’ button.” First discuss the problem or pain that the reader has, and then lead in to how your product will solve it. Or share your own failure-to-success story that the reader can empathize with.
If I’m going to buy your stuff, I’d like to know why you’re qualified to write about this topic. Give me the feeling that you’ve learned a lot about this topic and want to share it with me.
Even add a picture of yourself and an audio greeting, like I did. These help the reader instantly feel like she knows you better, increasing the “trust factor.” And people buy from those they feel they know, like, and trust!
Lay out everything I’ll get from your product. Don’t just list your
table of contents verbatim! Turn each point into an exciting secret. For example, suppose your e-book features 5 tips on how to save money on groceries. That bullet could read, “Revealed: 5 ways you can save hundreds of dollars on your monthly grocery bill.”
Show your prospects they won’t be the first to buy. It’s more effective to weave-in testimonials throughout your sales letter than to have a separate section for them. Give each person’s full name and Web address, and for extra power, post their photo and an audio testimonial as well.
How does the price of your product compare if I hired you one-on-one? For example, your manual is a great value at if an hour consultation with you would run me 0.
Offer special bonuses (preferably created by you) that are so good you could sell them alone if you wanted to. It could be a list of
resources, a collection of articles, extra tips on a certain subject, or a free consu1tation.
This puts your prospect at ease, giving her no reason to NOT buy. A few turkeys will take advantage of your generosity, but the amount of sales you GAIN from this strategy dramatically outweighs the risk.
Some sales pages use trick scripts to make it seem like the offer always ends on that day at midnight, but I find these insulting. If you really will be raising your price soon (and you always should be), list the exact date and stick to it. Otherwise just say it’s an introductory, limited-time offer.
Nothing bothers me more than when I’m at a Web site, I have my credit card ready, and I can’t find the $%#@& order link! Make your order process idiot-proof. Example: “Cl1ck below to 0rder n0w on our secure server.” Also sprinkle in
order links throughout your page — some people will be ready to buy before they get to the bottom.
In your P.S., right after your signature, emphasize that I should act now. For example, “Don’t miss out on this great 0pportunity. Remember, you can buy n0w and change your mind at anytime.”
Readers WILL have questions, so provide an e-mail address on your site that you or someone else will check at least daily. Also, don’t you feel better buying from a Web site that lists a real address and phone number?