Steps To Sell Website/Blog
Steps To Sell Website/Blog
Here are several steps to sell website/blog
1. Buy domain and hosting
Domain is the name that can be used to create website or blog. You can buy a new domain that has not been owned by someone else by searching for domain names based on English vocabulary that easy to be remembered , several words for domain which contain selling point are: Affiliate, forex, money, games, music, health, etc.. Each domain purchased you will receive:
* Domain Username and Password to log in and manage your domain control.
* So if you sell the domain name after receiving payment from the buyer, you can hand over domain manager login data or transfer your domain to another domain and hosting provider. You can ask for help or ask directly to the hosting about the ways of domain transfer, and website transfer.
Hosting is the place
to create a web or blog. You can buy hosting for a monthly fee or per year and also with a different capacity. One hosting account can also be used for more than one websites / domains, depending on the hosting package. For example, there is one hosting account that can be used to:
*One domain name can only be used for one website name
* 2, 3, 5 up to 20 domain means that one hosting can be used to create 2 up to 20 websites at once.
* Unlimited domain means can be used to create a website infinitely.
The amount of hosting capacity also influential, for example for the local hosting providers in my country (Indonesia) are usually have capacity between 50MB-1000MB, while for overseas hosting have capacity up to Thousands of MB untill infinity. Of course, the greater capacity will be the Better.
The easiest way is to buy
a domain and hosting in one package: for example, buying Domain + Hosting with a capacity of 100MB, 10GB for one year.
These What I recommended if you seriously want to buy a domain, hosting and intend to make buying and selling websites in the future. :
– Please buy the package + Hosting Unlimited Domains (Baby) about $ 10 per month, and you can get the price of hosting only $ 0.01 in the first month. so you can test it with the price of hosting only $ 0.01 in the first month.
– Later, you can create unlimited websites in one account. You can just buy a domain from somewhere else and then change the server name.
2. Make your website or blog
After purchasing your domain hosting then you can create a website or blog, you can use the script facility for free in Fantastico De luxe which available at every hosting
Make Content
– You can copy from free article, It’s the easiest tips for you that still confuse to look for content for your blog.
– Add the contents of the various affiliate programs, adsense and others to earn money from your website / blog.
3. Promote your Website / Blog
Once you have a website / blog then you should promote your website to gain visitors, Ranking, and also income from the affiliate, adsense or other.
You can use many ways of promotion such as:
*Post a link of your web site to free ads website
*Use a traffic exchange
*Buying traffic from PPC ads like adword etc.
4. Sell your website or blog
If your web / blog age is at least 1 month old or more, having income from affiliate, adsense, selling a specific
service, etc., then you can sell it with higher prices.
*You can sell via etc.
*After an agreement on pay rates and then you can provide the domain data manager and hosting name to buyer or transfer the domain and hosting to other parties which used by buyer.
*Payment system can be: Paypal, Wester union, bank transfer, etc. according your agreement with the buyer.
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